Showing posts with label coloumbs law of electrostatic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coloumbs law of electrostatic. Show all posts

what is the coloumbs law?coloumbs law equation explaination,mathematical problems on coloumbs law.

Do you want to know coloumbs law of electrostatic?

 Coloumbs first law, 
i)Same charges repel to each other.
ii)Opposite charges attract to each other.
Coloumbs second law ,
Force between two charges is directly proportional to 
i) Multiplication of two charges.
ii)Inverse square of the distance. 

Elaborating coloulmbs second law. 
Consider two charges Q1 and Q2. 
ie, F ∝Q1*Q2      ---------->second law (i).
F∝1/d^2 ---------------≻second law(ii).
F∝ Q1Q2/d^2

F=k. Q1Q2 /d^2
K  is constant,so its value is 


εo=absolute permittivity of vaccum or air
=8.854*10^-12 farad/meter
εr=relative permittivity of the medium.
 (value is 1 for air or vaccum medi)
F=q1q2 ➗(4πεoεr)
F= q1q2 ➗(4π*8.854*10^-12*εr*d^2)

while elaborating the condition,we get